Take complete care of every aspect of your property with our specialist, tailored property maintenance solutions. Remove mould, dirt and all forms of grime throughout your facility and restore it to perfect condition.
Dirt, pollen, fingerprints and other parts of your environment can build up on glass services, deteriorating their cleanliness and use. Regular window and glass cleaning can extend their lifespan and improve your facility’s appearance. Our services include:
Enjoy crystal-clear windows that enhance the overall appearance of your property and restore your visibility. Prevent damage and decay with our safe and efficient window cleaning services.
Our expert audits ensure your kitchens are always comfortable to cook and work in. Every practice follows food safety and health regulations, helping to reduce the risk of hazards and improve workflow and efficiency. Our services include:
Prioritise health and hygiene to ensure your food preparation and kitchen environment are always in the best condition.
Maintaining clear line markings is integral to the safety and organisation of facilities and people. Define the boundaries of your car parks, warehouses and more with professional line marking services, including:
Accurate and durable, our line marking services keep everyone safe in your facility and ensure compliance with any regulatory standards.
Mould affects the health of your facility and its inhabitants, and can spread when not removed and treated. Our team can help you prevent unwanted growth with our mould removal services, including:
We don’t just remove mould — we do everything possible to prevent it from growing again, keeping everyone who enters your facility healthy, and saving you time and money. Eradicate mould from your roof, windows, insulation, fabric and more.
Regular testing of electrical equipment is necessary to maintain workplace safety and keep your facility compliant with health regulations. Our testing and tagging assesses for any faults or hazards in your equipment with appropriate and clear tagging to keep track of testing schedules. Services include:
Secure your facility’s safety with our professional testing and tagging services, designed to make it easy for you to look after your equipment and make sure it lasts.
Our pressure washing and soft washing services can be applied to a variety of exterior materials and surfaces to remove stains, dirt buildup, mould and more. Our industry-leading equipment can improve your property’s appearance and condition, while also saving you precious time. Services include:
For your commercial and industrial properties, pressure washing goes beyond what traditional cleaning methods can achieve. Save important time and prevent the need for repairs and replacements of your exteriors.
Dissolve deep stains, dirt and bacteria from surfaces using our high-temperature steam cleaning services. Steam cleaning can be applied to a variety of surfaces and areas to improve their appearance and quality, including:
Professional steam cleaning provides thorough removal of bacteria, allergens, dirt and odours from your facility, leaving it cleaner and more hygienic for everyone. Revitalise your space with our deep cleans.
Prolong your concrete surfaces and preserve their integrity with resealing and painting services, removing existing imperfections and protecting from future damage and wear. Our concrete preservation services include:
Looking after your concrete will restore its appearance and protect it from the damage that comes from water, dirt and foot traffic. Our team only works with the highest quality products to give your facility a premium service.
Graffiti can create a negative impression of your property and harm its overall value. Responding to graffiti and vandalism swiftly with professional services can restore your appearance to normal without damaging the surfaces affected by the graffiti. Services include:
Preserve your facility’s presentation and reputation with quick and safe graffiti removal and restorations, treating all types of graffiti and affected underlying surfaces.
Grout often accumulates dirt, mould and stains over time and with use, which can detract from the appearance of your facility and create a health hazard. Revitalise your tiled surfaces with our professional grout cleaning services, including:
Our dedicated team can rejuvenate your tiles and grout lines with thorough cleaning and sealing. Improve your facility’s appearance while ensuring health and hygiene.
Flooding and water damage can significantly affect your property’s condition and create a variety of health and safety hazards. We respond rapidly to help minimise the effects of flood waters and help you recover as smoothly and effectively as possible, with services including:
Recover quickly from flooding with our comprehensive services, helping you get back to excellent condition as soon as possible. Our team can help you handle the challenges of floods and avoid long-term damage.
If your business or facility needs something a bit more unique, we’re confident we will be able to handle it. All of our staff are equipped with industry-leading knowledge and a full suite of equipment to back them up, capable of ensuring your facility looks good as new.
Get in touch with us about your needs and find out how we can help you.
3/2 Brandon Park Drive
Wheelers Hill, VIC 3150
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